Friday, May 25, 2007


Proverbs 18:19 Knox, "When brother helps brother, theirs the strength of a fortress, their cause is like a city gate barred, unassailable.”

God created the family unit. It was His idea. It is how He planned for mankind to live—in a family! God wants families to be strong. Strong families make a strong nation.

Satan wants families to be weak. We must beware of allowing Satan to destroy our families. Let’s face it. No family is perfect. We are trying to get along with a whole lot of sinners. Because of this, every one of us face hurts and grievances in our immediate family and in our extended family. Family members will do something that hurts. Or they will say words that pierce like a sword. Unless we walk in the spirit, it is easy to allow unforgiveness and hurt to fester in family relationships.

We cannot allow this to happen. We must be big enough to lay down our own agenda. We must say No to the flesh and allow the Holy Spirit to work in our lives. We must show grace. We must forgive. We may have to forgive again and again and again. Seventy times seven! This is God’s way and the only way that works.

Seek to strengthen your family—and your extended family of aunts, uncles and cousins. A strong extended family is a powerful force in the nation. Here is a little acrostic about Family Togetherness.


God's Power In Your Home, No. 175

Colossians 1:11-12, "Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness; giving thanks unto the Father…”

Do you need more of God’s power in your life? Do you need more of His power to help you mother each day? I have wonderful news for you. As you allow Him, God’s power is working in you mightily. Not ordinary power, but the dunamis power of God, the power of God in action which releases miracles. It is the dunamis power of God which was poured out upon the disciples when they received the Holy Spirit to take the Gospel to the uttermost part of the earth. (Acts 1:8) This is where we get the word dynamite—explosive power!

How easily we become deadened to the knowledge of the truth, the truth of God’s power that works in us. Let’s read some other Scriptures…